UConn Delegation of Contract Approval and Signature Authority

Only UConn’s President and Duly Authorized Employees have actual authority to approve and sign contracts on UConn’s behalf. Duly Authorized Employees may only approve and sign contracts on UConn’s behalf that are within the scope of their respective delegated authority. This authority is more fully expressed in the delegations listed below. This condition applies whether the contract is for the expenditure or receipt of funds or services. If the document will result in the creation of a legal obligation to specifically perform, whether action or inaction, it must be signed by the President or a Duly Authorized Employee.  For more information regarding what constitutes a contract, click here. An unofficial matrix of Duly Authorized Employees and their respective scopes of authority can be found here.  If you or your department have any questions about who should sign a contract, please contact: UConncontracts@uconn.edu.

UConn is not bound by any promise or obligation made by an unauthorized person. Unauthorized persons who approve or sign a UConn contract may be held personally liable.


Authority to Approve and Sign Contracts

When a Duly Authorized Employee approves and signs a contract, that employee is acting on behalf of UConn and is binding UConn to fulfill all obligations under the terms of the contract. Duly Authorized Employees are required to review, understand, and follow the Procedures for Approving and Signing Contracts On-Behalf of the University.


The President’s Re-Delegation of Contract Approval and Signature Authority

  1. President’s Delegation of Contract Approval and Signatory Authority for the Storrs, Regional Campuses, Law School, and School of Social Work (2023.03.20)
  2. President’s Delegation of Contract Approval and Signatory Authority for UConn Health (2023.03.20)

Further Sub-Delegations of Contract Approval and Signature Authority

  1. University General Counsel
  2. Provost & Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
  3. Vice President for Finance and Chief Financial Officer
  4. Athletics, Director of Athletics
  5. Office of the Vice President for Research


The Board of Trustees Resolutions Regarding Contract Approval and Signature Authority

Delegation of contract approval authority to the President (2010.02.18).

Delegation of authority to the President to exercise University ownership rights (2016.01.27)

Delegation of Signature Authority for Athletic Competition Contracts (2019.10.23)


Archive for Delegation of Contract Approval and Signature Authority Prior to March 20, 2023