UConn Delegation of Signature Authority-Prior to March 20, 2023

I.  Board of Trustees Resolutions 

  1. Delegation of contract approval authority to the President (2010.02.18).
  2. Delegation of authority to the President to exercise University ownership rights (2016.01.27).


II.  Re-Delegation of authority from the President to subordinates

  1. President’s Contract Approval Authority Delegation for UConn Health Center (2013.06.18 – 2023.03.19).
  2. President’s Delegation of Contract Approval and Signatory Authority for the Storrs, Regional Campuses, Law School, and School of Social Work (2022.05.02 – 2023.03.19)
  3. President’s Contract Approval Authority Delegation Storrs, Regional Campuses, Law School and School of Social Work (2013.04.30 – 2022.05.02).
  4. UConn Contract Signing Authority Delegation to Athletics – Director of Athletics (2019.12.19)
  5. Delegation of President’s Authority to Exercise University ownership rights to V.P. of Research and C.F.O. (2016.02.09).
  6. Delegation of President’s Authority to Approve Endorsement Requests (2017.02.25).
  7. Delegation of President’s Authority to Approve TIP Leases  (2016.12.22).
  8. Supplement to President’s Contract Approval Authority Delegation for Chief Architect (2016.02.15).
  9. Supplement to President’s Contract Approval Authority Delegation for UConn Health Center’s V.P. of Campus Planning (2016.02.15).
  10. Supplement to President’s Delegation For Director of Regional Projects and Development (2016.10.28).
  11. Supplement to President’s Contract Signing Authority Delegation (2018.12.06)
  12. Supplement to President’s Contract Signing Authority Delegation for Senior Advisor to President (2019.08.19).
  13. UConn Contract Signing Authority Delegation to Athletics COO-SWA (2019.10.01)
  14. UConn Contract Signing Authority Delegation to Athletics, Sr. Assoc. Director (2020.10.14).


III.  Sub-Delegations

  1. Sub-Delegation of President’s Authority to Approve Project Sheet Endorsement Requests (2017.02.27).
  2. Sub-Delegation of Authority to Approve and Sign Certain Contracts, Invoices and Budgets for Legal Services Regarding UConn Health (2017.09.08)


IV.  Capital Project Sub-Delegations

  1. PAES to Schrier, Director – up to $25K – Signed-2021.03.09
  2. PAES to Vasington, Assoc. Director of Planning – up to $25K – Signed-2020.03.09
  3. PAES to Vollaro, Director – up to $25K – Signed-2021.03.09